Activities & Know How

ARELIS - Industrialization

our teams of industrialization and methods are the interface between our customers, our R&D and subcontracting department. Industrialization is a major step integrated in the development process of a product. It starts at the specifications analysis.

In our subcontracting process industrialization phase begins with a critical analysis of the definition files provided by the client.
Several processes are identified and tracked:

  • Specification analysis, PLM review, Technological research
  • Prototyping, Manufacturing readiness, ISP, etc
ARELIS develops and pursues a program of optimizing industrial sites within its R&D and production.

Sites St-Aubin Elbeuf and Marville have specific resources dedicated to the production of sub-assemblies, modules and cards prototypes and preproduction. This organization brings the flexibility and responsiveness needed during phases of design and industrialization.

R&D et production Arelis

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